I'd be willing to donate to that..
We need to SHAME the Democrats into supporting one of their own, let them see that WE,the PEOPLE Support her, we don't have to condone any actions we don't agree with, but at the same time, she IS someone *I* WILL stand behind, as I believe this is a setup..
Maybe we can send flowers and demand that Congress DO REAL BUSINESS instead of them turning this into a Political FARCE with some Bill supporting the attack of one of the 14 black Congress folks.
What ever happened to the BLAME GAME and NOT playing it? Or the "Wait for a full investigation" that the right wing pulls all the time.
So the flowers would say three things, 1. WE appreciate the HELL out of you Cynthia, 2)We are behind you all the way and don't condone the actions of this cop who should be fired or sent back to training, 3) Congress RIGHT WINGERS need to DO THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS and this is NOT IT.
Maybe add That Congress Didn't seem to want to pass any Bills Supporting the GUN LOBBY after CHENEY SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE, so why are they pulling this political game with Cynthia. (If they sign this bill they will be supporting attacking BLACK people and getting awarded for making a MISTAKE, once again, REWARDED FOR A BAD JOB. Instead this cop needs to be FIRED.)
Anybody up for it?
I mean, I'll send flowers if nobody else will, thought some others might want to continue the trend, I love it. The FLOWER is the ultimate symbol of PEACE and LOVE and CANNOT be subverted, even by these evil bastards in power now!