--It's NOT the posters, or the threads that devolve into silly arguements, or anything like that. It's just that the crap is piling so high, so fast, so relentlessly, that it's starting to overload my mind and my emotions. Reading LBN and GD is becoming a burden, especially first thing in the morning.
Who REALLY wants to start off their day knowing we're yet another step closer to national destruction? Who REALLY wants to read of the latest IED incident that has killed yet more child-soldiers? Who REALLY wants to read the news of still one more village bombed into dust?
Every once in a while a DU member comes here to announce they're taking a break. Although this is not one of those announcements (as if anybody would care if I came or went) I just want to say I finally UNDERSTAND. More often than not I've been finding myself turning off the browser after a few seconds of scanning the threads. It's become overwhelming. I'll be fifty one soon, and I do not want to spend the rest of my life watching a great nation dissolving into utter chaos.
But there is, in the end, no real choice. It's happening, and I don't see it stopping. Even after the elections, if the Dems DO get their majority back, I suspect they'll stay just as gutless as they are now. I don't believe anything will change- if they can't work up the nerve to censure a man for comitting treason and war crimes, for shit's sake, what are they going to do if they get the steering wheel back?
I've always said I'm not a pessimist, but merely a realist. Well, this is my new reality. A once-great nation is locked tightly in the grip of the second law of thermodynamics, the short description of that principle being merely "Chaos Rules". It's the principle that states that a brand new car can go out of tune, but you will never EVER find a car at a junk yard, turn the key, and have it go INTO tune.
Coming here is becoming more and more like wandering through that junk yard turning keys on rusted out hulks. There simply sin't any good news left to be found. Sure, you're gonna do a shout-out about the Delay resignation, but you know damned well he's not gonna hurt for as much as a second. He won't see the inside of a cell, and if he's convicted of something he'll pay a token fine and go back to DC and find another way to suck the life out of things. Big fucking deal.
I'm not leaving, and I'm not taking a break. I'm self-enforcing a news slowdown. I simply don't CARE just now. I have better things to do. I have to work and make money to replace my front brakes. I have to try to find a way to sleep at night that won't leave me flipping like a flapjack in a frying pan. I have to regain myself, and I have to regain my sense of what my country was, could be, and IS.
Life sucks, then you die. Thus also goes empires. This one happens to be on the downward slope, and I have better things to do than sit ringside and watch it crash. May you all enjoy yourselves. I certainly plan to.
Besides, I just put a shiny new IMPEACH BUSH sticker square in my back window, right at eye level. After all, the good fight has to go on!