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The First Lady gives President Bush the "greasy eyeball" treatment when he steps out of line.
London Times: The glower behind the throne
From Tom Baldwin in Washington
THE most powerful man in the world can be reined in simply by his wife giving him the “greasy eyeball”, according to a new biography of Laura Bush which credits her with unseen — and growing — influence over the US President.
Laura Bush, an Intimate Portrait of the First Lady was published yesterday after weeks of breathless anticipation about revelations from senior Administration insiders who had co-operated with the author, Ronald Kessler.
But the sugar-coated account does not quite live up to the hyperbole about her stinging attacks on the slovenly housekeeping qualities of Hillary Clinton, her predecessor as First Lady. It says only that Mrs Bush was “quietly dismayed” by the White House’s “frayed” carpets and furnishings. Mr Kessler writes: “She never criticised Hillary, other than to say, ‘I’m surprised her book is selling so well’.”
Instead, the biography is more revealing of her relationship with her husband, George.
She gives him the “greasy eyeball over a flippant or inconsiderate remark or when he failed to show the right kind of courtesy or attention to someone”, according to their friend Donald Ensenat. “She doesn’t need to verbalise with him. It registers.” When Mr Bush said he wanted Osama bin Laden “dead or alive”, she responded by saying: “Bushie, you gonna git ’im?”. He took the point, telling friends: “She didn’t want to see me become too bellicose, react with bloodlust.”...,,11069-2119320,00.html