Someone posted the nation's article about Delay's goons shutting down the Miami-Dade count.
I pointed out my own research about the stench of ballot stuffing during the recount, guarding Bush's lead during the recount. Seminole county was the last to report. I did a review of the ballots cast versus the ballots recounted in Seminole county. What I found was that the votes counted in several precincts surged between the counts.
In precinct 28, votes cast during the orginal count was documented at 1015, after the recount, 1444 votes were counted as cast, a 429 vote surge, a 50% error!!!!!!!!!!!! Precinct 36 saw a 78 vote jump, and precinct 98 saw a 43 vote jump. In total, I counted 620 additional votes show to be added to the total vote cast after the first re-count, most precincts varied by one or two votes.
The final tally in Seminole county was 384 additional votes for Bush, and 286 additional votes for Gore. At that time, Bush led by only 229 votes in Florida. After, Seminole was added Bush's total increased to +327 Seminole county added the most votes for Bush, by far, than any other county in Florida second only to Polk county at +198 votes for Bush. Unfortunately, I didn't discover this "anomoly" until June 2003. I wrote to several news organizations about it but all treated it with a deaf ear, except Greg Palast who replied back with "your right". KOS found it interesting and replied with "I'll do what I can" but obviously, the issue went nowhere.
HAD BUSH NOT HAD THESE 384 VOTES ADDED TO HIS TOTAL, GORE WOULD HAVE BEEN LEADING AT THE END OF THE FIRST RECOUNT BY 57 VOTES. That would have given our forces a huge pyschological boost!!!!! and aided the efforts in the re-counts in Miami-Dade and elsewhere.
From the Orlando Sentinel, 11/10/2000, "Seminole's lenghty recount differed from most of the state's other counties" A news poster named Linda made the following obervation "Naturally in a county Bush carried almost 2-1 this resulted in a net increase of Bush votes. Now in the republican Seminole county, under the leadership of congressman Dan(sic)(John) Mica(R-FL) acting on the behalf of Bush. The rejected votes were examined and added to the official totals"
There are a total of 133 precints, what are the chances that over 50% of the additional votes would come from one precinct. And one precinct would have a 50% error rate? very, very low. Also note that in Duval county where Bush crushed Gore by an even wider margin gained only +16 votes to Gore's +184votes, hmmmm. And in Ecambia county where Bush won 73,017 to Gore's 40943, Bush lost a net -12 votes after the re-count. I cherried picked two counties here, but trust me you won't find another county that Bush beat Gore big and picked up as many votes as he did IN THE LAST COUNTY TO REPORT, SEMINOLE.
John Mica is currently running unopposed in Florida, this needs to be challenged, this is MUST challenge seat.
In November 2001, 45 countries were named on the US Al Queda watch list, NOT ONE OF THEM WAS NAMED IRAQ