small churches. I think we still leave the doors unlocked at our churches, not the big churches, the small country churches do though. People have been destroying things in the last couple of years, and unfortunately they will probably have to lock the doors. I hate that in the Winter time because a lot of those traveling through or homeless always would go inside the church's to get out of the cold. They never destroyed anything and sometimes would leave little notes of thanks.
I belonged to a large Methodist Church and even taught Sunday school and kept the nursery at times. It was the biggest church in town and all the people with "money" (doctors, lawyers, store owners, etc) all went there. I didn't know that at first; however, I wasn't happy with the church I had been going to, I was bored and the people were not very friendly and neither was the pastor. I never felt I fit in, and since I felt that way, I figured I was wasting mine and God's time. Then when I moved to the bigger church, the pastor was very nice and that is what got me so involved in everything. Over a short period of time (maybe a month), I quickly learned in this beautiful, big church that this was more for socializing, being seen, and no one sat in the balcony except the higher class of citizens (financially that is).
Before I saw a lot of things more clearly, and with the pastor being such a great preacher and enjoying his sermons, I decided to get baptized along with my son, and join the church, which added my name to a book as a member. Well, I thought you were a member of that denomination until death due to being baptized in a Methodist Church as well as accepting the doctrine of the church. Boy did I get an education.
At the first of every year, I got a letter from the church asking me what my tithes for the year would be. Also, once I put an amount down and signed the document, it was considered a legal document as the church depended on this money. Well, I was an medical transcriptionist that was not salaried and not making big money. I couldn't promise any certain amount. I know it's suppose to be 10% of our income; however, one of my friends asked me, "Is that 10% of gross or net?" lol. I told her I thought probably net because Jesus talked of taxes to Ceaser (cannot remember exact verse but you know what I mean). Some weeks I could give 10%, some weeks I couldn't. I put down $5 a week because I knew I could always pay at least that that. I was really embarrassed to have to do this. I knew they had a budget, we had a daytime nursery school for the kids, but the parents paid, the church worked with missionairys. We did not pay the pastors salary the Methodist diety??? paid him (I don't know, kind of like the way the Catholic churches do). The church did own a house that the pastor lived in and provided them with a car.
The church had a board that everything had to be cleared through. They were only the "balcony" people, the ones with the money made all the decisions, just like with everything else (i.e. if you wanted to use the kitchen and dining room for personal reasons, if you wanted to get married and when, etc.
When my family was baptized in the church, the pastor invited the other members to come forward and welcome us. Not one balcony person came and welcomed us. There were very few people considering the size of the church to be honest. Over time, it really did not feel like a church to me. Maybe it's me and not the churches, but to me, the ones I have been to seem to be there only for socializing and to be seen going to church. Seriously.
I discussed this with the pastor and he was well aware of what I was saying. He said he had try to change some things; however, the "board" overruled him every time he wanted to try to get the different groups in the church to blend. It was class descrimination in a church. Go figure.
I stopped attending on a regular basis and from time-to-time I go to different Methodist churches. I'm not an every Sunday going church goer, but going to church every Sunday just to say I was in church isn't a guarantee to Heaven either.
About a year and a half after I quit going to that church, I got engaged and I wanted to get married there. I was a member, not in good standing, but I was a member of the Methodist Church no matter where I went until I changed my denomination or converted to some other religion. When I called, the pastor that was there when I was attending full time was gone. There was a new minister. I discussed with him about a certain date. He asked the last time I attended, I told him when. He asked if I was a member. I told him I was still in the book as far as I knew as I was baptised in that church and joined that denomination that day by stating so and was given some kind of certificate showing I was a member of that church. He said he would bring it up to the board.
He never returned my call so I called back and was shocked by what I was told. He told me I was not a member in good standing with the church. I asked him what exactly that meant. He stated about my last years tithes being nothing donated to the church. I told him I didn't know I had to pay to come to church. He stated I didn't; however, I never even sent it in. He also stated that the board said there would be a fee for the use of the church. A fee for the use of the hall and, of course, a donation to the church itself. I told him it was going to just be me, my future husband, my parents, his parents, and our siblings. That is not a lot of people. There would be no decorations, maybe some flowers. He stated rather coldly what the total would cost me and it was over $500. My dress I was going to wear only cost me $80 as this was my second marriage (which had nothing to do with any of this because he never asked about that. Plus, since my first husband committed adultery against me, the Bible says that if young, it would not be a sin for me to remarry but it would for him). I had a 12-year-old son at the time.
Needless to say, I went to another church that the minister was a friend of my parents and they had been to his church. It was nondenominational which was no big deal to me either. One thing that really made me mad and to this day, I do not feel it was right, but If I wanted to get married in that church, the minister insisted upon it. In my vows I had to say OBEY! I told the minister I did not agree with that as we were entering into a partnership and he was like well yes but the man of the house makes the final decision on everything. I was starting to think, forget this marriage stuff, we will just live together because just a simple little ceremony had turned into a nightmare for the last month or so. Well, my future husband LOVED that part. I finally agreed, BUT and that's a big BUT, I told my husband I would say OBEY, but I would not ever OBEY anyone.
When the day came and the vows were said and we got to the OBEY, everyone started to kind of snicker because it was just close family. However, when I said OBEY, I looked my husband in the eye and shook my head NO at the exact same time.
Now he jokes that I don't OBEY and that is a breech of contract. Oh well. lol.
I enjoy Sunday School and miss it and going to church; however, I cannot bring myself to go anymore. I started a couple years ago, loved the church, felt very welcome by everyone but the pastor. He never even welcomed me to the church. He never spoke to me. My friend that went to the church stated he was shy. I told her he was in the wrong profession to be shy. I would walk out with other members and would tell him I enjoyed the sermon and he would say thank you and quickly move to the next person who he would have a short conversation with.
Oh well, my husband and I read the Bible at home (but we need to more than we do). I pray at home (but I know I need to do more).
Hopefully, one day I will find what I'm looking for. I know there are no perfect churches. I know people that won't go to church because they smoke. I ask them do they think everyone sitting in there is perfect? They had vices too. I just don't look at it that the people sitting in that church are closer to God then me just because they meet in a group. Who is to judge.
(sorry so long. I've been off line a couple days and I guess I need to vent)
I have to remember that in the book of Matthew. Sometimes on Sundays I will watch the TRBC with Jerry Falwell. I had to quit watching because of some of the horrible things he would say behind his pulpit.
I remember he was going nutso before the '04 election. Every month leading up to November he got worse and worse. He would think he was getting past the laws of separation of church and state by telling everyone to vote "Christian." Well that was racist against the Jewish Americans. I think they filed some kind of suit against him as well.
Anyway before I get into another 15-page vent, one Sunday the man must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, was tired, and mad as hell about something. He brought up the Liberals and how we hated God, President Bush. We were the baby killers. We didn't support our troops and wanted the terrorists to win. I mean it was off the wall stuff. Now this man stood behind his pulpit stating he would say what he wanted in his church and that he was not scared of the IRS or anyone else. He stated that if Bush was not reelected, we would be attacked again because the Liberals want that to happen to make President Bush look bad. Hey, he doesn't need our help. Anyway, this man stood there and stated, almost verbatim, "If I passed a known Liberal on the street DYING of thirst, I would not give them one teaspoon of water (mumbling in his congregation). . . I mean it, and when I say VOTE CHRISTIAN, if you don't know what I'm saying, then you have rocks in your head." More mumbling in the congregation. Every week until Bush was reselected. Then he kind of tapered off but he still calls N.O.W. the National Organization of Witches, People for the American Way and the Move-on.org's, homosexuals, and baby killers allowed 911 to happen and hope it will again.
I started recording his shows and editing out the wild stuff he said. Then I went to his website and there were transcripts for every Sunday. I thought great; however, there was none of this talk on the transcripts. Just the Bible quotes and his sermon. The political statements were removed. They also offered a free video of his Sunday sermons. Well, I watched those and they were not edited. It was late one night and I thought, I'll record the one where he went nutso and said those horrible things tomorrow. When I went back the next day, they were all gone. The site said they were only going to carry the most recent sermons and that this section wouldn't be working for awhile. I guess they started watching some of his sermons and thought better of it. I could have beat myself in the head for not going ahead and copying it the night before. It still bothers me to this day because I sat there and listened to that man say these things; however, I don't have the audio to prove it, just my word.
I have noticed the last month he has really been running a campaign against the DaVinci Code Movie. This is a work of fiction, the book is fiction and states so; however, he and other ministers are really digging their heels in on this one. Nothing political for a while has come out of his mouth and I'm wondering if that burocracy he wasn't afraid of finally got him and is taking some of his cash? We will see the closer it gets to election time.
One more thing though and I'll shut up. I record to DVD every Sunday his sermons. I'm not going to lose anymore of his hateful remarks that come out of his mouth the closer we get to any election.
If any of you ever see him on CNN, you need to call and ask him why he is there since he claims that nothing is factual on CNN, still calling it the Clinton News Network, (according to him), and that only FOX News tells the truth, so why would he lower himself to go onto such a disgraceful news channel?
I'm done :-)