to see how the Bush junta and the war profiteering corporate news monopolies create and manipulate the illusion that we call "news" in this country.
"1. The police would have had to all be on the same page as no-one would have known what entrance McKinney was going to enter." --Mike
You don't think that, in our police state culture, the police can't be on "the same page" about targeting someone? You don't think bosses give cops a wink and a nod about persons and situations that need to be manipulated in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with "justice"? You don't think cops orchestrate news and arrests and stings to benefit the fascist establishment? You don't think that a big, bossy, flashy dressing, black Congresswoman, who advocates for the poor--the chief victims of the police state--and who is constantly exposing the Bush junta's lies and bullshit--is not a "red flag" to cops who are in the pay of a Bushite Congress? You don't think cops can be manipulated by those in power? If your answer to these questions is "no"--or your instinct tells you that police misconduct is rare--then you need to live on the other side of town for a while.
"2. They would have had to know that McKinney would not stop when asked to by the police."--Mike
McKinney, and other Members of Congress, often forget their ID pins and bypass the metal detector. All they had to do was put an arm on her, and only her. Putting an arm on a Member of Congress, to detain her from entering Congress, is a violation of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically forbids the executive branch and any and all police enforcers (all of whom derive their powers from the executive branch) from DETAINING a Member of Congress who is attempting to enter Congress. There is no exception for "security." And when they put an arm on her, McKinney had a DUTY to preserve herself from assault. She represents THE PEOPLE, *NOT* the government. If a precedent is set that the Bushites can USE "security" to impede Members of Congress, then our democracy is over. Bear in mind that the Bushites have already used unprecedented tactics to impede the work of Democratic members of Congress--ESPECIALLY those investigating, a) 9/11, b) the Iraq war, and c) election fraud. Now they're going to start calling Members of Congress "security risks" and harassing them with Grand Juries for exercising their SPECIFICALLY STATED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AND DUTY to enter Congress and conduct the business of THE PEOPLE?
"The police" were not stopping her on the street for suspicious activity. They were not stopping her in her car for dangerous driving. She was ENTERING Congress! And they put an ARM ON HER! They knew damn well that what THEY did was WRONG and UNLAWFUL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and it was a good guess that she would react. And they also likely knew that the entire Bush junta and half the Democratic leadership stuffed the U.S. Constitution up their asses a long time ago--and don't want any serious investigation of their goddamned illegal war on Iraq, and don't want any serious investigation of gross malfeasance on 9/11, and don't want any investigation of Bushite corporations 'counting' all our votes behind a veil of secrecy, with "trade secret" programming and no audit trail--and would all side with the cops, and use this incident to get rid of one of the few truth-tellers in Washington DC.
"They would have had to know that McKinney would not stop when asked to by the police." But they didn't just ASK. They PUT AN ARM on a Member of Congress WHILE SHE WAS ENTERING CONGRESS.
"3. They would have had reason to believe that McKinney would lay hands on the officer in any way, shape or form." --Mike
You put an arm on a Member of Congress--especially a hot tempered black woman--and you can pretty much predict that she will resist. No, they couldn't know for sure. But look what's happened since. Instantly communicated to Drudge, thence to Faux News and all the rest. And now a Grand Jury, for godssakes. It appears to me (given what we know about this incident and what preceded it) that they prodded her weakness--her temper, her dislike of security, and possibly her feeling of fear in Bush's fascist state. Just looking at her, you can presume that she has had a history of suffering the humiliations that black people in general--especially very black people--commonly suffer, out of sight and out of mind of most of us white folks (except for cops, who are often the perps). They provoked her--with immense disrespect, putting an arm on her!--and she reacts. HER reaction is the understandable one; THEIRS appears calculated to produce a certain result. If you've had any experience with racist or brainwashed or manipulated cops, you know that this is a common tactic to create cause to arrest and charge (the often cop-created "resisting arrest").
"4. They would have had to know that McKinney would then throw a press conference and accuse the cop of racism and profiling."--Mike
Yeah, she's CYNTHIA MCKINNEY! It's a pretty good bet that she wouldn't take it lying down. And she's fighting back as best she can. When you're being swiftboated, you're basically drowning. You're going under--and all the Bushites, with all their police state powers, and the entire "security"/industrial state, and all of the war profiteering corporate news monopolies, and many of your fellow Democrats are pushing your head under the water.
"I would find it easier to support a theory that McKinney planned it all on her end. It sure requires less hoop-jumping than the 'Republicans planned this from the start" theories currently flying around.'" --Mike
"Hoop-jumping"? To establish that Republicans PLAN to smear, lie about, swiftboat, ruin, degrade, demote, threaten, blackmail, and destroy their political enemies, not to mention torturing and killing tens of thousands of innocent bystanders?
They "outed" an entire CIA counter-proliferation network, for godssakes--putting unknown numbers of covert US agents and contacts at risk of getting killed. They "outed" OUR AGENTS--for political gain and revenge (and likely with other motives we don't know of yet).
They swiftboated John Kerry. They swiftboated his wife. They swiftboated Joseph Wilson, Valerie Plame, John McCain, Max Cleland, Richard Clark, Scott Ritter, Sibel Edmonds, Capt. James Yee, Mrs. John Conyers, and Kevin Shelley (in Calif). Just off the top of my head.
We know what THEY are capable of. And you are saying that YOU would give THEM the benefit of the doubt, and not Cynthia McKinney, a courageous black woman who has opposed them with every breath in her?
Maybe she did "act up." Maybe she did open her mouth. Maybe she did bash back when they touched her. SO WHAT?! I'm on HER side, and not yours, and not theirs. I save MY "benefits of the doubt" for people who have earned them, not for thieves and war criminals, and the cops they give orders to, and their toadies in the Democratic Party leadership and their lapdogs in the war profiteering corporate news monopolies.
A "Cynthia McKinney conspiracy." Give me a break.
"The fact that no-one from her side of the aisle (even the CBC)is leaping to her aid should tell most people something." --Mike
Gee, I wonder where the California Democratic legislative leadership was, when the Bushite "black ops" team was "swiftboating" Kevin Shelley? I've seen it up close in my state. They were hiding under their desks--just where the lot of them are hiding now.
As I said, when you're getting swiftboated, you're drowning--and, after your friends push your head under, and sail away pulling the life preservers up behind them, you find yourself all alone in the vast, cold, deadly sea, surrounded by sharks.