"It wasn't a 'leak', but an intentional informative outreach to the American public. That's why we never could find the 'leaker' because there wasn't one. When we said 'no one leaked' we were telling the truth."
Still, this will only wash with the cult audience at Fox News who are spoon-fed their daily "truths". The rest of the nation, even those who don't understand the complex story behind Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson will get the bigger picture: George Bush took revenge on a CIA agent because her husband exposed Bush's intentional deception regarding WMD in Iraq in order to make his illegal war. Bush and Cheney paid back Joe Wilson and exposed his wife in the CIA for calling them out for lying to the nation about Saddam Hussein.
More importantly, our soldiers and Marines are following this story, regardless of the complexity of it, and they are really souring on this President and Vice President. That does not bode well for Republicans and this Administration.
If Rove is indicted, this Administration will begin to come apart at the seams and I'd look for a resignation by Cheney for "health" reasons (even over the objections of Lynne Cheney) and for John McCain to step into that position since he's working his little ass off for it right now.