reaction to this story on DU of all places. After participating in several threads though, I noticed a few things. There were many new posters who seemed to post only in McKinney threads. I'm not sure what to think about that ~ but I have my own opinion :-)
Some responses were from long time DUers who seemed to be bending over backwards to not appear to be hypocritical like the rightwing ~ but in doing that, they ignored the possibility that the cop might have done something wrong and focused only on Cynthia, often without having read her statement or noticing that much of what we were hearing was coming from 'unknown police sources' ~ it was all her fault, they felt the need to say. So, fairness was compromised in an attempt to appear fair.
There certainly was a pattern as far as 'talking points' though.
#1 was based on the claim that 'she whacked a cop with a cell-phone' and the cop was not at fault because of her hairstyle, which to me is laughable! Would Hillary be unrecognizable if she changed her hairstyle?
When the first talking point wore down as the evidence didn't support it, they moved to talking point:
#2. ... which was 'she may or may not be guilty as far as the incident goes, but we don't like her behavior and how she is handling it! Well, since when is behavior a crime? When called on that often enough, they went to:
#3! This one involved all the coverage of such a minor incident. Her detractors claimed the media circus was HER fault because she gave a few interviews!
What made me so sad was that all she has done for the right causes was forgotten in the feeding frenzy ~ that I found to be really amazing. I suspect there was some influence from the DLC. They certainly don't like the John Conyers, Cynthia McKinney/Black Caucus wing of the party ~ so that might have been part of it.
Some said that if a member of our party makes a mistake, we should point it out. Well, I agree with that, but Cynthia, Conyers, Barbara Boxer and all those who have been on the right side of the issues during these dark times are like family. Imo, if anyone of them make a mistake, we don't throw them to the sharks ~ we might send them an email letting them know how we feel and offering some suggestions as to how to resolve the issue.
In public, you don't condemn your children, husband etc. But in private you let them know how you feel.
I was very sad to see this great defender of our rights at a time when so few who had the power to do so were doing it, be so easily cast aside. On the good side, though, she had many, many defenders. I imagine this has been an awakening for her. At least she knows who her friends are. We know she has been our friend, I have no doubt about that ~
I've been looking for those who were so passionate about this minor incident and getting justice for it, in the 'let's investigate Cheney threads' and so far, I haven't seen much passion for that! And not too many of the noobies around today. Maybe after news of the Grand Jury, they felt their goal had been accomplished! If they were true progressives, I don't see how they could want to destroy this woman ~ :shrug: