After I sent Matt the info about Rove/Smith, urging them to stop electing R's, I got this:
That's right, vote Democrat. They'll increase the salmon population by having the male fish spawn with each other, and then taxing the hell out of them so that the illegally introduced snakehead fish can have free education and health benefits. Then, during the Save the Salmon celebrity telethon Kanye "Jesus" West will so profoundly state "George Bush doesn't care about fishes..." And George Clooney will have the thesis for his next speech entitled "Hollywood was on the forefront of fish rights.... We were making progressive films like A River Runs Through It and Free Willy when America still thought it was right to keep our flippered brothers & sisters in tanks for our amusement!" ...freakin hippies
This came later:
You're right, in the thousands of years salmon have existed here, their water supply could never possibly have been compromised prior the Bush Administration. I'm sure they're gone forever now, because water was diverted from the river for the first time in history. And no, according to the GOP global climate change has been happening FOREVER, not suddenly today because of the 15mpg SUV, cow flatulence, and strippers' hair spray. If the hippies wouldn't faint at the sight of a felled tree they would be able to see the evidence in its growth pattern.
Obviously this one is still drinking the Kool Aid.
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