I gotta stay out of that parking garage, last week it was some free-loader trying to ride my bumper out for free....Anyway.... Tonight I was riding up the lift with a woman who said "I wish I was staying to hear Lech Walesa speak."
Me: "Oh, that's right, that *IS* tonight. I'd like to ask him how his labour organization changed Poland when ours can't seem to even save our jobs."
"Oh, but they DID! 80 years ago."
"Yeah, 80 years ago, but now they seem to roll over and pee like puppies when Management growls."
"Oh, but if they'd push for EDUCATION for their members instead of 10 cents on the hour more shift diferential, Management would 'roll over' for them!"
"So how much education do you need, exactly, to make cars or washing machines or lay bricks? We can't *ALL* be supervisors with nobody to supervise."
"Oh, no, there's plenty of new service jobs!"
"Yeah, we become a nation of minimum wagers with Master's degrees, selling hamburgers to each other...Mmm-Huh..."
"Oh, no, why, 'A man's home is his Castle', and security systems are going to become in great demand, along with people to install and repair them!"
"Wait-you're telling me I'm going to get rich installing burglar ALARMS? Lemme tell ya, lady, $15 an hour, which is the going rate for 'Installers' of ANY kind, is *NOT* 'Good Money', unless you're working at Walmart. I *HAVE* a degree, and I'm not even making $40,000. So what do you tell people out there who have their Master's in computer science and just saw their third job in 6 years go to India? Lady, I don't know where you're coming from, but it's a LOT diferent down here in the trenchs..."
"Well, I have to run, I can see I really should talk to you more....By the way, I'm in the trenches, too, you know!"
"S'Yeah, but I'll warrant MY part of the trench is a lot muddier than yours..."
I forgot to ask her if she knew what happens to wages according to the Law of Supply and Demand when you still have plenty of Supply (able workers) but all the Demand (jobs) has gone to China and India?
Oh, boy, we're all gonna be selling ALARM SYSTEMS to each other! We're gonna be RICH!!! Ain't GAWD GOOD to Murka?
Just who's going to need all these new alarm systems? The housing market's gonna bust in a year.
Burglar alarms. Service jobs. Yeah, maybe I could get a job working for "Geek Squad"...