One thing which strikes me about these Republican scandals is how little loyalty exists in the GOP.
Michael Scanlon dumps his fiancee Emily for a waitress (or was it a manicurist). Understandably outraged, Emily, a believer so true to the conservative cause that she was trusted with being Colin Powell's "keeper", goes to the Feds with her rather extensive knowledge of Scanlon's business dealings. Scanlon is busted. Quick as you can say cop a plea, Scanlon rolls over on his partner Abramoff. Abramoff, not to be outdone, and furious that all of his former friends have abandoned him, rolls over on "Representative #1 (AKA Congressman Bob Ney of Ohio) and various other elected representatives and their aides including one Mr. Rudy, former Chief of Staff to Tom Delay. For his cooperation, Abramoff wins a heartfelt thankyou and a minimum prison sentence from Federal officials down in Florida.
Rudy has now apparently sold Delay down the river for a reduced sentance prompting Delay to announce that he is resigning his Congressional seat to spend more time working for the benefit of orphans--said resignation to take effect before the deadline for converting his rather ample campeign war chest to his personal legal fund takes effect.
Over in the White House, we all enjoyed the spectacle of the hapless Michael Brown, better known as Heckuvajob Brownie, providing the world with the news that president Bush knew all about the dangers of Hurrican Katrina because he, Brownie, personally briefed him on said dangers and of course the Brownie/Chertoff slamfest where each tried to pin the drowning of New Orleans on the others incompetence.
And finally there's the spectacle of Scooter Libby naming Bush and Cheney as the superiors who ordered him to leak carefully selected bits of a classified document in order to discredit Joe Wilson who was exposing their lies about WMD to the light of day.
Contrast this with the behavior of people in the Clinton administration where people were actually willing to go to jail in order to shield Bill Clinton and to that even of Hillary Clinton who gritted her teeth and endured her husband's infidelities for the good of the cause.
If Hillary had been a Republican, at least judging by this adminstration, she would have written a tell all book giving the details of every babe and bimbo Bill had ever looked at and done the talk show circuit crying about how betrayed she felt.
There is truly no honor among Republicans.