grokgov launched a website this morning to allow people to
express their thanks to Harry Taylor, the gentleman who spoke openly and critically at a Bush pep rally in North Carolina.
Here's the URL to the site:
http://thankyouharrytaylor.orgYou can read about Mr. Taylor's act of patriotism and bravery here, and be sure to check out the Think Progress link in the diary:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/4/6/16637/18929The AP has picked up the story here:
It was a moment brought to you by the First AmendmentCrooks and Liars also has a small clip of part of the exchange:
http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/04/06.html#a7814edited to add:
Some folks here think Harry Taylor was a plant. He's not. There are dKos members who know him personally as a MoveOn member in NC. One Kossack spoke to him personally: