And I’m as cynical an SOB as you will ever find. I mean, come on, tell me that
ever since these sons of bitches stole the election in 2004, we haven’t been licking our chops in anticipation of what is starting to transpire, right in front of our very eyes? It’s going to be a watershed year in American history, and I am going to enjoy every minute of it.
For the first time in U.S. History, we may, see a sitting President get led out of the Oval Office in handcuffs. George W. Bush absolutely abused Presidential powers for political gain. It was an act that sent thousands of men, women and children to their deaths. The Capitol Hill lawyers can split legal hairs all that they want, but the fact is, he leaked classified information in order to discredit a political opponent, and in so doing, put lives in jeopardy. That is beyond despicable. That is known as treason in every legal dictionary that there is. If this isn't a problem then it damn well should be.
If anyone can still support Bush after today, they need to go make an appointment with a psychiatrist, because you have issues. You need to be officially diagnosed as clinically insane, and put away for the good of yourself, and everyone else. Seriously. If you can actually dredge up the will to defend this sleazy son of a bitch and this corrupt administration, after the hell that he has put our beloved country through, you actually hate everything that America is supposed to stand for, and you do not even deserve our pity anymore.
It’s coming to light that
Fitzgerald had identified the leak at the beginning of his investigation. This tells me he has been absolutely meticulous at building his case, and the fact that Dick Cheney rolled over on the boss, is the proof of that. The case is built, and the dominos are falling. It’s time for the press to act like the press again, and start airing the footage of Bush saying that he ”wants to get to the bottom of things”, “hates leaks”, and will “take care of anyone in his administration who is discovered to have leaked classified information.” If we indeed have an actual free press in this country, we should be flooded with the footage of those statements as often as we saw Bill Clinton saying “I did not. Have. Sexual. Relations. With that woman.”
The USA is going to look different by the end of 2006. What it is going to look like is up to us. I hope it's a better look, and not a worse look. I’m hoping that we Dems, Greens, Progressives, Liberals, Left Wingers, and Moderate Dems, can actually stand together. I am hoping that we, as a party, can put our differences aside for once, and correct what is happening to our country and not fall into this cycle of bickering, and imploding that we have become famous for, because this is it for us. Our country needs us DAMN IT! The ball is in our court, and this is our chance to make some real change, if we can keep from destroying ourselves from within.