anniversary to George W. Bush. March marked the three-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq so, with that in mind, let’s take a look at what King George and his followers have to celebrate:
♦There are approximately 2,300 Americans dead.
♦There are approximately 17,000 Americans wounded.
♦The cost of Bush’s illegal, immoral war is costing American taxpayers 1.5 million per day.
♦The unemployment rate in Iraq is approximately 90 percent.
♦About 60 percent to 80 percent of Iraqis want Americans out of their country.
♦Approximately 42 percent of our own troops aren’t sure of their mission anymore.
♦There are an estimated 25,000 insurgents and 1,000 members of al-Qaida in Iraq.
Americans, do you understand what this means? It means our political and military leaders have lost their focus on the reason we invaded Iraq.