I actually know one or two, of course, I am originally from a sparsely populated rural state. A gay pride parade in my hometown would be called "target practice" as the old joke goes. Stark fear and ignorance, if not outright hatred, of homosexuality is prevalent. Childhood games take on names such as "Smear the Queer" and "fag" is the ultimate insult. However, I have noticed something about gay bashers.
The worst ones seem to be rather effete and effeminate. I have one friend, in particular, who, while not someone who speaks violently about gays, definitely has a negative view of them, yet, a few other friends of mine, and two brothers, both thought this guy was gay. He comes across like that sometimes, and, in fact, when we were roommates he took great pains to act overtly masculine. He overcompensates his masculinity constantly, bragging about his sex life etc. I also have other reasons from conversations with him and so on, to think he may be somewhat attracted to men. But, he's outwardly very homophobic and cracks gay jokes all the time. I always thought it was pretty weird. Now, he does have a girlfriend, but he always struck me as a guy who is fighting back an attraction to men. Anyway, I'll get to my point.
I was wondering just how many of the most virulent gay bashers are closet cases themselves? I wonder if they have some sort of self-loathing about it? I'm quite curious about that, I think it would be an interesting topic to have some data on, if you could ever find a way to get some. I know years ago two guys started a program to "Cure" people of being gay, until they gave the program up because they fell in love with each other. I see people like Tom DeLay rail about Christian values, while he was running a criminal enterprise out of his office. Bill Bennett extolling virtues and fighting vices while he had a gambling problem. The one anti-abortion activist who had several abortions herself. It seems that people always hate what they have become.
That something inside them loathes who they are. So they violently lash out against that. I just find that phenomenon interesting. I don't know, just curious what you all think.