First, I have no idea who I might want in the Leadership slots come 2007. It's not often done, but why can't we use freshmen in the leadership? I know, I know, you're not supposed to appoint freshmen leaders because they don't know the history and traditions of the Congress, but the long-term Democrats are in Pain Avoidance Mode, not Loyal Opposition Mode. A member of the junta comes up with some new idea that will further diminish the Democrats and what do we hear? "Thank you Sir, may I have another?"
We don't need pain-avoiding Dems. We need firebrands. Your average freshman comes to Congress with fire in his/her eyes; that fire is what we need at this time.
Therefore, what challengers look good? Montana seems to be turning blue on us; maybe there are some good ideas out there. You get the idea. Bush has taken the ship of state into uncharted waters and run it aground; we'll need unconventional thinking to put it right.
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On to the real deal: What do we, as Democrats, need to do to fix the problems we face? (Besides getting rid of Bush, that is, and if his base-plus-one-percent approval rating is any indication we may not HAVE to worry about getting rid of him; the Republican Party may just tell him to leave like they did with Nixon. The more Republicans we can saddle with the Three Stooges--Bush, DeLay and Abramoff--as running mates, the more likely this is to happen.)
We've got to fix the tax system. Arthur Laffer said there was one "perfect" tax rate that exactly balanced the needs of the government with the needs of the people. Unfortunately for Arthur Laffer, who is a Repuke, the man who found that perfect rate was Bill Clinton. We need to reinstate Clinton's marginal rates.
We've got to shut down both of Bush's wars. Supposedly we're in Afghanistan to catch Osama bin Laden; supposedly we're in Iraq for...uhh, what's this week's reason? The facts fly in the face of these reasons: we had Osama cornered at Tora Bora and let him get away, and the reason we're in Iraq has changed eleven times because all eleven of those reasons have proven to be bald-faced lies. We can't afford the expense, we can't afford the dead soldiers, we can't afford the destroyed lives. We need to pull our combat troops out right now, and then we need to do one of two things: subdivide Iraq into three nations (granting the Sunnis a measure of historically-Shia land because Sunni territory is almost bereft of oil), or put a dictator back into power there. Otherwise, an Arabic-speaking Slobodan Milosevic is going to appear and you're gonna be really fucking sorry. In Afghanistan we're almost guaranteed to get the fucking Taliban back.
We've got to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. This will have many implications, almost all of them good. If a RW station was forced to give equal time to opposing viewpoints, Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Michael Reagan, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly would be out of jobs. You'd probably see something like Pigboy in his normal time slot and Randi Rhodes from midnight to 3am. Then they'd talk about NASCAR engines or something like that for the other 18 hours. This would completely screw Air America, but in a Fairness Doctrine-controlled programming environment you wouldn't need it.
We've got to pass two amendments to the Constitution of the United States. The first will formally establish the separation of church and state. The second will establish the right to privacy. Obviously the Right can't understand that the First Amendment means "no state funding of churches even if it's the one you go to" and the Fourth Amendment ("The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated") isn't just talking about Gestapo-like police tactics but about privacy. Therefore, we're gonna have to spell it out for them.
We've got to find some constitutional way to write a bill of attainder stating that no person related by birth to anyone who aided or participated in genocide or atrocities can ever be elected to Federal office. This will shut down our long national nightmare of Bushes in high government jobs.
We've got to decertify Halliburton as a federal contractor.
We've got to nationalize the defense industry. This will do two things for us: eliminating the profit in weapons systems will also eliminate most of the need to go to war, and it will allow us to cut the defense budget while still getting lots of fun new weapons for the Pentagon.
We've got to throw Kenneth Lay in jail.
I'll think of more later.