said so that they can later claim that the story being reported about what Libby said is not true or "accurate" so that people will then dismiss it out of hand.
I see it coming. Libby never claimed that Bush approved the "leaking of Valerie Plame's identiy, only selections of the intel that contained info about Plame's identity. Now w all know that Bush INTENDED to have this info leaked to discredit Wilson by any means possible. Bush did not, in fact, know about the SPECIFICS that were going to be leaked,nor did he care how they were going to be leaked. He only cared that the info got out to discredit Wilson and left the rest to his Bushbots.
So by tomorrow the MSM will be "correcting the story" and therby removing it from the public discussion. Just watch how this will play out. FOX will be the first to point this out and the rest will fall in line.