Let me know what you think of this.
Starts with a voiceover describing the economic prosperity we enjoyed, then explaining the budget surpluses we started to run under Clinton. This money was paying off the reckless foreign bond debts we racked up under Reagan and Bush I.
Slowly at first, $100 bills start falling into a giant room...then it builds into a rapid dump that we zoom out and see is hundreds of feet tall. The Surplus.
Then with irresponsible tax cuts, unjustified war and reconstruction and the largest expansion of the federal government ever, the Republicans in power have not only squandered the surplus, but have run record-destroying deficits. All of this in only five years.
Holes open under the floor and the enormous pile of $100 bills begins to fall through it. A few seconds later, another dump of $100-bills begins and falls directly through the floor to the bottomless pit below.
My idea here is to actually calculate what trillions of dollars looks like in hundreds and have these "piles" be as visually accurate as possible. Could be powerful, maybe?