Edited on Fri Apr-07-06 10:06 PM by Ecumenist
I wanted to write this to express my complete and utter disgust at this no government. This letter is a catharsis, sort of and I believe that it expresses what alot of us feel. If you wish to add to it ....Feel free.
You're supposed to be Christian, at least that's what you have claimed, day after day, year after year, month after month, yet,time after time, you've shown yourself to be less than one dimensional adding to your colossal failure to lead by being idiotic and stupid, whether deliberately or natural inclination and your arrogance allowed you to believe that you could get away with saying and/or doing anything in the pursuit of global hegemony. You used the cloak of jingoistic uber patriotism and false,hypocritical "Sunday Morning" Christianity that NEVER EXTENDED PAST THE NEXT PHOTO OP. How do you define Christian? The Christ I know and follow was/is principled, honest and guess what? He didn't parse words and although what He said was unpopular, even His enemies had to grudgingly admit that He was honour incarnate. Accountability? Honour and integrity? restoring respect? Spare me the hairsplitting because the facts are you have lied from DAY ONE and is made more shameful is that all through this period, your party crowed about the lying that the Clinton presidency participated in and that your group aligned with the "religious right" would be honest and truthful. I don't think I have to tell you what we as the average American, on the left AND the RIGHT are disgusted with the lot of you. Those of us on the left always knew you were lying and although they didn't admit it, the TRUE conservatives did too, though they didn't want to admit that the "Christian President" was using thinly veiled lies to manipulate the horrible tragedies that have happened to this country since you were "placed in office". Oh and by the way, you might have at least tried to hide your real plans. Dubya, most of the left are extremely literate and not only read, we understand and have and display critical thinking. You don't even have the decency to stray from PNAC and because of that, we know where this is heading, the majority of us have known from the very beginning. Oh, it wasn't easy to get the silent majority of Conservatives who actually live our country more than a corrupt, decaying party and a fake, pseudo-Christian cowboy to see the light and acknowledge the reality of your real agenda. However, you have proved to be your own worst enemy and strangely, our best source of convincing evidence. You turned the tide and made the best case against yourselves by just making mistake after incompetent mistake and having the nerve to not only apologise but blame everything on not being aware or on Clinton. Pathetic. Now, however, thanks to you, the majority of the Sane base can no longer stomach the lies used to boost your plans for lining your pockets at the expense of our military, innocent Iraqis and Afghans, numerous Americans hurt by your dogmatic, heartless policies, all the while looking after the most prosperous in our society, not to mention the deliberate manipulation of "terra alerts" to keep a large part of the population frightened enough to vote for you and your stole the rest of illegitimate vote, by adding to it and flipping the rest from Kerry and it's become sickeningly apparent that no change in the terror level has been handed down and we ain't seen anything from your "convenient rainbow", since then... not red, orange, chartreuse or burnt sienna. I've heard it said that the reason you were popular was because you were just an ordinary joe. I disagree with that statement because the average joe has a sense of honour and shame and actually cares about his fellow American, something demonstrated during the televised slow motion mega drive-by of Katrina. How many Americans have died on AMERICAN SOIL due to your incompetence in the blind drive to force through the 60 year dream to reverse the safeguards in place for the bedrock of this democratic republic, every day working men and women. The scales didn't just fall from many eyes but were blasted away by those same hurricane force winds, even though they'd been slipping for some time. I have no doubt that this had been happening i slow motion for sometime but many of the faithful of your personality cult had their scales stapled on and sometimes, it takes quite an irresistible force to wake people up. I've heard it said that you have appointed more minorities , I and I suppose that this paper thin attempt to win over People like me to your GOP. Let me assure you that it wouldn't matter if you were the only white face contaminating my TV. Black, white, yellow, brown,purple, polka dot, striped or polyester, there is a pervasive rot and stench coming from your cabinet that every HEPA filter in the world wouldn't clear. I'm just one person, one American, one human being and I'm under no false thought that I can do anything on my own to save my country. But George, unfortunately for you, there are 10's of millions of of people who see that you have no clothes and frankly, we're tired of seeing your natural ass, all the while watching you doing a bang up job of making sure that the rest of the world sees it too. I didn't vote for you and would sooner gnaw my own right arm off before I would but I can say that I am ashamed of what you and your groups have done to my country which used to be the Beacon of the world. Although I'm sure that I'll have no better a chance of actually getting you to show some self respect and put the country first by requesting that you live up to your pledge to get rid of the person who "leaked" the information about Ms Plame as I would scheduling you for a hysterectomy, I can at least record that I didn't just lay down and refuse to take a stand for what is right. So, why don't you try to salvage some vestige of honor and put us out of our misery and shame and go home (to Connecticut, not Texas, brotherman, after all, i was born at night but it wasn't last night) where you and the rest of your criminal cabinet belong and while you're at it find a place to keep your psychotic followers. We're tired of them too.