"Fitz makes it clear in his brief that he has a lot of info about other ’subjects’ with knowledge of “what could be characterized as” a plan to discredit, punish or seek revenge against Joe Wilson. Fitz tacitly offers unnecessary disclosure of this info as one reason for the court to deny Scooter’s for broad additional discovery unrelated to the perjury charge. I certainly read that as suggesting that he already has the goods on at least Cheney and possibly Bush, or at least enough to show they knew and authorized what was going on to trash wilson/plame.
Their wall has been breached. It’s at risk of collapsing altogether now. Fitz could do that, if forced to, it sounds.”"
http://www.firedoglake.com/"I expect the endgame is being debated as we speak. Fitz has put everybody on notice that he has the goods and is giving the cabal the opportunity to work cooperatively, if they choose, to bring it to conclusion. By cooperatively, I mean the opportunity to fall on their swords. The cabal is now gaming their individual and collective decision. The alternative option is directing Abu to purge Fitz. This is tantamount to going nuclear and unfortunately, shows where Tricky Dick, when it came down to it, was actually reasonable and sane. I fear this lot will not do what’s best for the country, as ultimately, Nixon did by resigning.
Also, I even hate to put words to this, but a small part of me wonders about the chances of Bush developing a bunker mentality much like Berlin in ‘45. It appears that the only person who can play Baker today is Bush 41. What effect will this, his Dad of all people, playing Baker, have on him? Will he crumble or take us all down with him? Part of me wishes we were dealing with Nixon’s mere paranoia and criminal obstinance today rather than Bush’s pathological insanity."
I think it is more than little old bush junior but the BFEE and their even more evil backers and it is beginning to look like Fitz is for real and I hope he has enough support in the Defense Dept and Intelligence communities to ouster this criminal syndicate, to borrow Rep. McKinney's very apt phrase.