...is an insane plan that proves that Bush has had a serious break with reality. He has the gall to call Iran's president Hitler - he should look in the mirror!
I really, really fear for our country because George Bush has totally lost it. He is completely incapable of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of our military, that they're human and subject to wear and tear like any other human, that the world won't stand idly by forever while Bush engages in Hitleresque invasions around the world.
You know that sci fi show that used to be on TV - the one with Majestic 17 and the worms through the ear that infected humans and took control of them to destroy the world? Well, Bush's brain is infested with worms! And he eats plenty of beef, since it's obvious the prions have started their rot of his neurons!
It's quite telling that even the military objects strenuously enough to Bush's little plan that they're threatening to resign. The military is gung ho and does the job in the worst circumstances - if they're complaining and threatening to resign, something is SERIOUSLY wrong between the ears of the Leaker-in-Chief!
What bug crawled inside Bush's brain that is driving him toward Iran invasion as purposefully and determinedly as he was driven toward Iraq? What's the payoff for Bush? Oil? $$$? Saudi kisses and hugs? Whatever it is, it's not the best interests of our country and our people!