Suspend for a moment what we know about WMDs. Consider instead a scenario where Saadam really did have WMDs. If that had been true instead of FLASE, then would not Bush be guilty of planning and executing a war that did include enough forces to seize those dangerous weapons. Would this not be another example of ineptness and incompetence of this administration.
The truth is that the administration did execute a plan that resulted in munitions being seized by groups which are now using them in to do violence. That those weapons are not weapons of mass destruction are only the results of the fact that they did not exist. Otherwise, the Iraqis and our troops would be suffering greater death and destruction.
I find this is an interesting conundrum, Bush is either criminally incompetent because he has the country in a quagmire because he didn’t know, or, he is criminally incompetent because he went to war without a sound plan to secure WMDs and therefore allowed someone, who we don’t know, to come into possession of those weapons.
Sounds like a rock and hard place to me.