It has to be to prevent Iran from retaliating. Using nukes would to stop a country from getting nukes would insane. I hope Clark speaks to this soon.
Bridgette Quinn: : And I guess that would let them produce enough bomb-grade uranium for a single atomic weapon if it's operating at full capacity. Anyhow, would that be the number one target for military action, if it were to come to that?
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, it would be one target for military action, but there are two different ways that the military option could unfold. On the one hand, there could be an effort to interdict the nuclear program at a sensitive node or two. Or on the other hand, there could be a broad-scale take-down of the Iranian nuclear capability and their defense capability so as to forestall an Iranian response against the United States and our friends in the Persian Gulf.
Bridgette Quinn: : Mm hm. Which do you think would be the better way to go?
Bridgette Quinn: : Again, if it came to that.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: If it comes to this, then I would favor a broader military option. I think the broader military option is the one that forestalls the Iranian options coming back at you.
Bridgette Quinn: : Hm. But with a, a broader-scale take-down, would you need maybe, if not better intel, just more, more intel.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: You need a longer period of time. It's a more sustained set of strikes. And the Iranians should be, I, I think they should understand. They should not be under the illusion that the United States or, or a western power or any other country could simply, would simply go in there and drop a couple of bombs and say 'that's it'. Because I'm sure that the Iranians have planned for that contingency. The broader option would make certain that there is- that Iran is a much reduced military threat for a long time to come.