to thank the media when they have him on and ask for more time to present his views. Murtha speaks the language of middle America. Murtha Contrasts Presidents Reagan and Bush
...Let me take a few minutes to remark about the irony of President Bush speaking today in the Ronald Reagan Building. President Reagan is credited and justifiably so, for beginning the resurgence of the American military. He’s credited with unleashing the fatal blow against the Soviet Union. And he worked diligently through his second term to reduce the federal deficit including signing into law the Gramm-Rudman Deficit Reduction Act.
I didn’t vote for that. I didn’t agree with the way he was doing it, but he was so concerned about the deficit, he was willing to not only sign that but also to sign a constitutional amendment which would say you can’t spend more than you collect.
Yet given the sorry state of our Army, the erosion of the U.S. credibility in the world, and the deficits as far as the eye can see, you’ve got to believe President Reagan is turning over in his grave.
The Army is broken. At the start of the Reagan buildup in 1981, the military suffered from aging equipment, spare part shortages, unqualified personnel. In large part this was due to the lack of resources provided to the military following VietNam. ...