The crazy-mad, chickenhawk, PNAC Strangeloves can't wait to try out their new nuke bunker busters on a live target. The first Shock & Awe hasn't had the desired effect of convincing the brown people that turning over their oil and compliantly submitting to Pax Americana is the only way to go, so I guess they need to try out the New and Improved Shock & Awe (now comes with the evil-doer killing power of nukes).
America's Botched 2003 Iran Diplomacy: No Talks with Evil People in the "Axis"SNIP
Lawrence Wilkerson, then chief of staff to secretary of state Colin Powell, said the failure to adopt a formal Iran policy in 2002-03 was the result of obstruction by a "secret cabal" of neo-conservatives in the administration, led by Vice President Dick Cheney.
"The secret cabal got what it wanted: no negotiations with Tehran," Wilkerson wrote in an e-mail to Inter Press Service (IPS).
The Iranian negotiating offer, transmitted to the State Department in early May 2003 by the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, acknowledged that Iran would have to address US concerns about its nuclear program, although it made no specific concession in advance of the talks, according to Flynt Leverett, then the National Security Council's senior director for Middle East Affairs.
Iran's offer also raised the possibility of cutting off Iran's support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad and converting Hezbollah into a purely socio-political organization, according to Leverett. That was an explicit response to Powell's demand in late March that Iran "end its support for terrorism".
In return, Leverett recalls, the Iranians wanted the US to address security questions, the lifting of economic sanctions and normalization of relations, including support for Iran's integration into the global economic order.