Edited on Sat Apr-08-06 08:55 PM by SoCalDem
The only really appropriate response to this accusation is to direct them to the policies that were in place and proposed during the years 93-00..you know..the years when we ran a surplus, had more jobs than we could fill.. the years when our president was respected around the world, even while being poked with the pitchforks of the likes of Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Rush Limbaugh, and their pals.
The policies were apparently valid enough to run on auto-pilot even though the president was certainly "distracted". We were fortunate to have a person in charge whose brainpower was sufficient to multitask. The one we have now obviously has difficulty even pedaling and steering a bike at the same time, so is it any wonder we are in such dire straits?
The "Democrat" Plan is what it has always been. The plan is little more than ordinary common decency to the common person, whether he/she is American, Mexican, Iraqi or whatever.
It's getting rather tedious to listen to the bloviators who breezed through the surplus, maxxed out all the "cards", ruined the country for decades ahead , trashed the international goodwill we used to have, and so much more...to claim no responsibility for the actions that are ONLY theirs, and then demand a "fix" from the legislators whose hands they have tied for years.
The "Democrat" Plan is the same as it's always been.. We don't even NEED a "new" one.
In the final analysis , the plan is always to clean up the messes of a republican administration, set the country back on the tracks, repair the damage, put people to work in decent-paying jobs, regain the international goodwill and try to heal the rifts.
Different democrats through the decades, but the plan is always the same