Simple question, isn't it? Why the fuck isn't ANYONE in the mainstream media asking it of our monkey king?
Has the idea just not occurred to them?
Is the idea too complex for them to understand? I just expressed it in eleven words.
Are they being threatened NOT to ask it? By whom or what, for crying out loud? They run the goddam presses. They could just use that linotype or whatever they use today to print, "Well, the Bush administration threatened us with _____________ not to ask this question, but..."
Do they think Americans AREN'T asking this question? And if they do, do they think we're just plain stupid, or are they just HOPING we are?
Are they just so damn corrupt and in bed with this administration, and so complicit in its crimes, that they DARE not ask this question?
And finally...
Do they think we haven't noticed that they haven't asked it? Because I've got news for them: We have.