Edited on Sun Apr-09-06 11:23 AM by tjwash
...but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones."----Albert Einstein
Why does the White House thinks it's A-OK, in the first place to dictate to the rest of the world who can have nukes, even if that country is at least 10 years away from developing them? And why do a substantial amount of people here here in US of A just seems to be just fine with that? Why is Bush still in office? Why are people collectively sticking their heads in the sand over the idiotic repercussions of the actions of the recent years?
It seems that throughout history, the countries that are the ripest for a fascist takeover, are the ones in which the people think that "it could never happen here." Have we as a nation grown so damn fat and complacent over the years that it has come to this? That a sitting President, with an approval rating lower than Nixon during the height of his impeachment, can talk with absolute impunity, about using nuclear weapons against an independent sovereign nation?
I honestly don't know. What I DO know, is that we, as a people, are one of the few nations, that hasn't had to face armed conflicts and oppression in our own backyards. It does appear, that we as a nation have grown so ignorant, so COMPLACENT, that we think this is some kind of a game. That we are just going to close the curtains, change to another of our 200 satellite channels make another cappuccino, and ignore the shots in the street.
And don't pull the 9-11 crap. That was not armed conflict. I'm talking about Chinese and Russian tanks rolling over Mr. Smiths new garage extension, and reducing the local Walmart to rubble. I'm talking about other countries soldiers lining up a hundred Americans in a ditch, wiping out the lot of them, and bulldozing a huge pile of dirt on top of the bodies. Events that we have never had happen on our own soil, and events that we think that we are immune to. Events that we are used to causing, not being the recipient of.
Events that are going to happen if we move one step further in nuking Iran. We at DU have provided hundreds of links, articles, and news stories in the past six months or so, of the ties that bind Iran, China, and Russia. If you don't know anything those ties already, don't bother asking for them now, because you are most likely what is wrong with our country at the moment.
I'm shocked, I'm sad, and it's palm sunday. I am going to church this morning, and I feel as if I am going there to mourn the death of the country I grew up in.
And if any lurking freepers feel like crawling out from under their rocks wants to flame me for this, please try to be creative. Don't try and justify the fact that we are the only country in the world that has blood on it's hands for using nukes on another nation. Try to be a little smarter than using the generic canned excuses that were spun to make us feel better for murdering people in the first place, such as:
1) They would have done it to us. Yes, and the "they would have done it to us" crap has kids coming home daily in body bags from Iraq right now. Meanwhile the real terrorists, that was used to justify placing troops in the Middle East to begin with, are running around the world with the same impunity, if not more than they had BEFORE 9-11.
2)It would have dragged out WWII longer. Sure, if that steaming pile of cow manure makes you feel better about it, so be it, but it does not change the fact that we did it, and bypassed every bit of diplomacy, and world support that we had at the time to try out our new toys on some real live people.
3)It only happened once in history, and it was to end it before more bloodshed. See 1 and 2, plus the holocaust only happened once as well. So did the U.S. Civil War. Shall we put Germany in charge of Relations with Israel, because they feel really really bad about it and learned from the experience?