have only been getting 10,000 to 20,000 signatures which is disgraceful.
John Conyers does not post the results to his solidarity letter/petition to support his bills to begin the impeachment process but sometimes mentions the total on his blog and I was shocked that after months of being up and his articles on Kos and elsewhere that he still only had 27,000 signature when he posted the last results that I have seen.
The Downing Street Memo Investigation petition that Conyers had gained half a million signatures within days or weeks but had Moveon.org helping. Still shocked that so few people have signed up to support the extraordinary courageous move of drafting Impeachment inquiry bills. This was even a DU activist thing about 6 weeks ago. Conyers also has a section where you can write your newspaper through his site to ask them to cover these incredibly important bills so it is not just the signature, you can write a letter through Conyers site and show the msm how many people are supporting a FORMAL CONGRESSIONAL bill for impeachment investigation to begin NOW!!
Why aren't lefties interested??? :crazy: :scared: :shrug:
Sign Letter to begin Impeachment Inquiry in the House of Representatives:
http://www.johnconyers.com Conyer's Action Items
http://www.conyersblog.us/ Topic subject DU Activist Corps Action: Impeachment/Out Of Iraq Demonstrations Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=106x26858#26858 26858, DU Activist Corps Action: Impeachment/Out Of Iraq Demonstrations