April 9 (Bloomberg) -- A senior Republican U.S. senator said President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney owe the public a ``specific explanation'' of their involvement in disclosing classified information to rebut Iraq war critics.
``It is necessary for the president and the vice president to tell the American people exactly what happened,'' Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter said on the ``Fox News Sunday'' program. Bush may have had authority to declassify intelligence material ``but that was not the right way to go about it because we ought not to have leaks in government.''
Another ranking Republican lawmaker, House Majority Leader John Boehner, declined to defend the administration's leaking of information in 2003, saying, ``I don't have the facts.''
Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, testified to a grand jury that the vice president told him Bush authorized the disclosure of information from a classified intelligence report on Iraq's attempts to gain nuclear weapons when the administration's rationale for going to war was being questioned, documents filed in federal court last week say.