They read all about the Stolen Election 2000 and 2002 and then 2004 and they say: WHY THE HELL SHOULD I BOTHER?
If you want a discussion of the "pro's and con's" on this then check this out where a DU'er wondered why they should go out and vote:
WHEN YOU FINISH WITH THAT READ...then CHECK THIS ONE OUT:Why I'm Voting, While I Still CanOctober 16, 2002
By TahitiNut
There has been much heat and a little light, within the Democratic Underground forum, in our nation, and in our world. In my opinion, today's "issues" (as defined by others often for their own convenience) are less about war, peace, left, right, crime, regulation, stock markets, jobs, or terrorism than about democracy itself. We live at a time when our founding first principles are under assault, and we are on the front line whether we yet realize this or not. It is not terrorists engaging in this assault; it is the force of our own fears, ignorance, and mutual animosities that threaten us, and threaten our democratic principles as a nation.
"As most of the evils which have taken place in private life, and among individuals, have been occasioned by the desire of private interest overcoming the public affections, so most of the evils which have taken place among bodies of men have been occasioned by the desire of their own interest overcoming the principle of universal benevolence and leading them to attack one another's territories, to encroach on one another's rights, and to endeavour to build their own advancement on the degradation of all within the reach of their power." — Richard Price, A Discourse on the Love of our Country (1789)
The inherent virtues and vices of a democratic system of governance are neither more nor less than the virtues and vices of the People themselves. (The same cannot be said of any other principle of governance, in any respect.) This was articulated far more completely and deeply than I could ever repeat by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, and by Jefferson, Paine, and others.
From their labors and the sacrifices of many, we inherited a precariously balanced system of governance that sought to inhibit both a tyranny of any majority and a tyranny of any minority; that sought to protect the rights and liberties of all, while placing that very protection under our own authority where it rightfully belongs in justice and equity. Who can more rightfully claim the fruits, whether sweet or sour, of their political labors than the People themselves?
Within our system of governance, there is one and only one mechanism that's democratic: an election, wherein the sovereign authority of the People is voiced in our vote, which must be heard, fully, completely, and accurately. When it comes to democratic self-governance, this is the leash; all else is the beast.
In this, we must not compromise or retreat. Yet I've seen exactly that. Overtly and hypocritically, I have seen the voice of the People stifled, distorted, muffled, and ignored — like never before in our history. I have seen the informed will of the People thrown into disarray by a plague of misdirection, falsehoods, deception, secrecy, predatory exploitation of public media, and extensive corruption at the apex of corporate, religious, and governmental institutions. Yet I still see many of us neurotically seeking "leaders" rather than custodians, parents rather than partners, bosses rather than coworkers, demagogues rather than teachers, and entertainers rather than educators.
Rather than hearing the clear voice and informed will of the People, we are told what we think, what we want, what we know, and how ignorant and uneducated we are. After we witness an atrocity in our neighborhood, we're told to go shopping. Like repressed children, the self-proclaimed sovereign adults of governance instruct us to be seen and not heard. Then like disturbed children, we throw the tantrums of "Billy did it first!" and "My daddy can beat up your daddy!"
Much More at..........