And just goes to show you how a morally bankrupt, mentally ill/personality diseased and corrupt soul can profit from the 1/3 of the population suffering from the same penchant for anger, hatred, intolerance, selfishness & misguided self-righteousness.
No self-respecting, honest, rational, sane and humane person would ever even listen to such a person (and such people), much less donate their hard-earned income to pay that person's speaking fees, buy her books or in any way support her in her efforts to malign good people and humanist ideology.
Alas, the media has the power to create a market for such caustic drivel by stirring the emotions of the weak, fearful and angry among us; which, of course, suits their agendas--both politically and economically. So they foist these kind of people on us. The O'Reillys, the Limbaughs, Hannitys and Savages.
We must take steps to win in November to begin taking back our government from the evil charlatans who've stolen it away... if for no other reason than to find a way to start tearing down this mega-Corporate media oligarchy and it's Repubican/Faux Conservative bias which is based both on greed and ignoble partisan ownership.
The "Right's" vaunted free market is a lie, as any thinking person knows. Their anti-competitive business environment and it's prominence in the broadcast (and other) media industry ensures the existence of an information vacuum in most cases and in ever other instance we have instead false and misleading information. We ought to have, in addition to a well regulated "free market" (to ensure it acts as a free market with valid competition (and doesn't harm consumers and our environment)), we should have a "Free Market of Ideas". By their implicit control of the media and their absence of ethics (and distaste for "fair play"), they've used their power to eliminate the possibility for most people to even begin to consider anything other than their side of the issues.
So many people, actually attempting to use their intellects, review what's provided to them on Television, on the Radio and in Newspapers and Magazines... They even attempt to get a sense of both sides of the arguments (at least in the beginning) and take in the consensus of the majority of "experts". They never realize however, that the media is not above lying to them. Direct lies, indirect lies, the absence of "the whole truth", misrepresentations, exaggerations, biases, emotional appeals, invalid logic, the worst elements of rhetoric and propaganda are all used; those and other similarly misleading arguments are, in fact, exclusively used. You won't find any full disclosure and untainted truth in any sense yet so many people still fail to recognize either their absence or the prominence if disinformation; others simply choose not to believe. Still, most of these people did try, if only half-heartedly to get some sense of what the answer is and inevitably conclude the liberal position is weak and even stupid; just as it's portrayed.
We desperately need balance; at least parity in access to the public consciousness. Given the prevalence of substandard education (another prong in the attack by the forces of darkness) and the social pressures (both the common day to day struggle for survival and caring for one's family which has been made as difficult as possible by what seems almost conspiratorial in the high prices and stagnant wages, and the counterproductive, unappealing elements of our weakened culture such as the needs for excessive "entertainments", diversions from reality and requirements for "instant gratification") which causes a "shortage of time" (and energy) that itself results in the half-hearted or simply non-existent efforts to stay informed, form political opinions and act as good citizens. Thus, being overwhelmed by our own culture and the increasing difficulty in maintaining one's 'standard of living', we see the third to a half of our electorate who are so weakened as to be all the more susceptible to the propaganda being shoved down their throats from every side. Add to this sorry state the corruption of one of these people's last remaining sources of support--the church, and do it in a way that the church itself propagates the propaganda--and you see people who are so thoroughly deluded that basic rationality and obvious reality fails to alter their opinions (otherwise known as "programming" or "conditioning").
Most of us just cannot imagine being so unquestioning and so immune to evidence and the harsh reality we face. Yet it really is as simple as that. Force people to be preoccupied with mundane pursuits and making a living and inundate them with the false message--even from their most trusted sources, and you have a bunch of thoroughly deluded people resistant to any other message.
Coulter is both an example of such delusions and an "enabled" tool for their propagation. Even if she didn't have incongruent personal qualities that make her facinating to her fellow delusionals--and therefore potentially successful on her own at becoming a celebrity; rest assured that other, perhaps hidden, powers decided that she should be enabled in a big way--given media access, coverage and advertising as well as financial rewards to ensure she had both time and resources to continue her crusade (to infect others)(and 'eat their brains'... "unnngggghhh branes goood.... neeeed braaaness, nnnnggh"; "like a zom-bie, fed for the very first time...")(okay, that was my own feeble attempt at humor via movie plot and song references).
About the only thing we can do is take back the media to allow for a proper rebuttal of her preachings. Yet that's but one tiny reason out of an ocean of irresistably powerful reasons for why we need to take back the media. Without at least parity we're never going to make dramatic headway. As people learn through suffering, we may make a slow comeback but it won't be the rapid landslide that the Truth would provide.
An Aside: Interestingly, if Truth were the deciding factor about which messages are given access to the public media; the vast majority of Republican/Faux Conservative/Right-Wing messages wouldn't even be heard (it's like the issue of whether or not there is a giant, green, man on the moon--the Truth filter would exclude all false (ie. Republican) claims that such existed and allow all rational and scientific analysis indicated such does not, could not be so--Alas, in today's media, every source would say he does exist and roundtables would be presented in which an inarticulate alien abductee, dressed in orange coveralls and a tin-foil hat is rhetorically torn to shreds by a host of experts who ridicule the "psuedo-science" that claims there is no man on the moon while proclaiming the 'verified' evidence, including snapshots and articles of moon-man clothing recovered by the space shuttle, to be absolutely definitive proof he exists; and 30-50% of the tired people who just wanna watch "Desperate Housewives" after working a 16 hour day and putting the kids to bed, who are also told by their Pastors at Church that the Bible references that G_d created a man on the moon on the evening of the 7th day... will believe... Go figure.).
Demand a Free Market of Ideas! Demand the Truth! And do not go silently into the long, dark night... ("...Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." -- Dylan Thomas)