2006 Asheville Citizen-Times.
Using Bible as a weapon profanes its most important messages
By Steve Runholt
March 12, 2006 6:00 am
Like many readers of the Citizen-Times, I was raised a devout Baptist. I thus grew up believing that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality, and I held that view well into my adulthood.
My experience may thus be helpful to those who wonder how a Christian pastor could condone homosexuality, and even go so far as to support the rights of gay and lesbian people to share in the blessings of legal marriage.
So what, then, does the Bible teach? Well, many things, of course. But one of its main themes is covenant faithfulness — God’s covenant faithfulness to humanity, and our call to be similarly faithful in our deepest relationships. That’s why I believe, along with a growing number of other clergy (including rabbis and ministers from other traditions), that as people of faith, as people who believe the Bible, we need we need to stop trafficking in stereotypes and stop using the Bible as a weapon in support of causes that wound good people.
We need to stop judging people, for when we judge, we are the guilty party. And we need to affirm the sanctity of committed, long-term relationships, and to help make relationships characterized by love and faithfulness possible, legal and safe, regardless of gender.
Rev. Steve Runholt is the pastor of Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church and College Chapel. He also serves on the board of Christians for a United Community and is a founding member of People of Faith for Just Relationships. He can be reached for comment at