women and women’s advocates marched on and around the Georgia Capitol today at a rally sponsored by Georgia for Choice.
The theme of the rally was preserving a woman’s choice in being able to have an abortion; however, many issues concerning women were raised.
“I am troubled by my sisters and brothers who lack health care,” Sir Jesse of the Feminist Outlawz said. Jesse spoke of The Beloved Community, “where one person’s struggle is our struggle, where the economic gap is closed.”
“Georgia will not go back! Georgia is not going to be the next South Dakota, Louisiana, or Mississippi,” one organizer said in a speech.
and this most important paragraph:
“When women’s voices are missing, the space for those who are against our interests opens up,” Georgia State Rep. Able Mable Thomas said in a speech.
be NAGs. nags are necessary. men diss nagging women but nags keep the world going.
in Dr. Mary Daley's Wickedary there is this:
Nag, v <"to affect with recurrent awareness, uncertainty, need for consideration or concern: make recurrently conscious of something (as a problem, solution, situation)" -Webster's> This definition has been awarded Websters' Intergalactic Seal of Approval.
Nag noteworthy, adj deemed notable by Nags, especially applied to events of great sign)ficance that are invisible to and erased by the schoolmen of snooldom. Example:"Chloe liked Olivia," I read. And then it struck me how immense a change was there. Chloe liked Olivia perhaps for the first time in literature. -Virginia Woolf
Nag-Gnostic, n a practitioner of Nag-Gnosticism; Elemental Feminist Philosopher.
Nag-Gnosticism, n
the philosophy of those who Sense with certainty the reality of transcendental knowledge and at the same time never cease to Nag our Selves and Others with recurrent awareness of questions and uncertainties; the philosophy of those who overcome the pseudodichotomy between transcendence and immanence, between otherworldliness and worldliness.
Nag-Nation, n worldwide Network of Nags; loose aggregation of loose women
Nagging, Virtue of, Haggard habit of resisting and combating the psychic numbing demanded by the sadosociety, the State of Oblivion
thanking the women of Georgia for standing up and nagging for us all.