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"Was Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez an Illegal Alien?:"

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-10-06 12:48 PM
Original message
"Was Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez an Illegal Alien?:"

the Rude one asks this question and gives much info on Carlos in his article today

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heirs_of_liberty Donating Member (114 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-10-06 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. We, in North America, are all "illegal aliens"
The fact is that the white European invaders of North America stole this country by deceit, robbery, terrorism and genocide. There is and never has been any legal basis, other than that of the decree of noble, criminal European warlords to lend any cultural, ethnic or racial legitimacy to the established statist European occupation of this New World.

The people occupying the Americas are all illegal immigrants and none should have any right or justification to exclude any other for any reason, at any time or for any purpose, other than those of racial arrogance, religious intolerance, political greed and economic selfishness. This anti-immigration nonsense is no more than political and economic protectionism, designed solely to protect neo-conservative economic slavery.

The lunatic concept of 'controlling borders' as continually bandied about by such conservative Christian fascists like Lou Dobbs would result in a fascist totalitarian nation more controlled and controlling than even the Soviet Union was in it's heyday, an Orwellian police state so intrusive, enslaved and oppressed that even house pets would be better off dead.

Freedom is about Liberty - that is the gift that justifies our regulations such as they are, and they are no more than that. The misdemeanor of contrubuting to society by living and working in our economy and helping to bulild our nation is perhaps an offense worthy of a fine, but those regulations need to be overhauled because they obviously are totally unenforceable, could not be enforced without depriving all of us of our freedom and do not work. A law that cannot be enforced is not a law but merely an excuse to unfairly persecute.
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