So I have this radical idea; so radical that I'm sure almost everyone will object to it, yet it might be the only way to solve the problem. There is an inborn tendency among the human race to bigotry and xenophobia. We can't realistically expect that to ever go away, so we have to learn to live with it. We have to find a way to protect the right of the bigot to be bigoted without allowing that bigotry to disrupt civil society. Realistically, we need to figure out how to arrange things so that a civilization can tolerate intolerance.
From my blog:
How to Tolerate the Intolerant (permalink)
Categories: - Government and Politics - Religion - Social Issues - Gay and Lesbian Issues
G. Shannon (2006-04-10)
Embrace diversity? That's the American ideal, or so we are told. We are the great "melting pot" were all cultures and religions are welcome, or if not welcome, at least tolerated. But what happens when the cultures we tolerate do not tolerate us in return?
Could it be that this vein of intolerance is the fatal flaw in human nature that will ultimately make a peaceful human society impossible? If we look back into prehistory we see isolated tribes and bands, each living within their own culture, largely uninfluenced and unaffected by other cultures. The very survival of the group depended on uniformity and strict adherence to the cultural laws of their society.
The problem is a very serious one that threatens the very existence of civilization, and my proposed solution is probably very radical, but I don't see any other way. What I suggest is that those who prefer intolerance and conformity be allowed to exercise their intolerance, but only within the boundaries of their uniform community. Those who want to live in the Amish way are free to live in Amish communities and practice their culture and religion in any way they choose. Outside of the Amish community it's none of our business what they do. And outside of the Amish community it's none of their business what we do. If the Muslim want to enforce Sharia law then it is their right to practice whatever they want within the geographical confines of their Muslim community. What they do inside their community is none of our business, and what we do outside the borders of their community is none of their business.