CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida(AP) -- As NASA celebrates the 25th anniversary of its first shuttle flight this week, the agency also steels itself for the biggest upheaval since the moon shot days of Apollo in the early 1970s.
In just four years the three aging, behemoth space shuttles will be shelved -- likely headed to museums. And by 2014, a brand new spacecraft will be flying -- one designed to get astronauts to the moon by 2018 and eventually Mars.
This wrenching transition will be only the fourth such makeover for the manned space program in the agency's nearly 50-year history. Critics already are grumbling about the lack of money to accomplish the shift to the new crew exploration vehicle (CEV). More than a fifth of NASA's proposed $16.8 billion budget for next year will be spent on developing the new vehicle system. else feel like they are taking a huge step back with this rocket thing. Why can't they design a new shuttle, shit they spend money like its going out of style, focus on building something that will help us more in the future. Feels like the bush admin has destroyed this program as well.