Edited on Mon Apr-10-06 07:03 PM by Buddyblazon
"Excuse me?", I said.
The guy looks at my DNC Providian card with the logo on the front...and then winks at me.
"What, are you a Republican?"
"Well...I use to be...before these guys fucked up everything."
I say, "Well, I've always been an Independent. But I felt that it was important to donate to the minority because these guys have power over everything. I don't care who has control of the WH or the congress. As long as they're not from the same party."
I must clarify that this is not really how I feel. Though I've always been an Independent I changed my affiliation in '04. I've always leaned left though. But for this guy...I wanted him to take me as a "middle of the roader". Just to help me...ahem..."persuade" him if I had to. Truthfully, I'd like the Democrats to have control of all of it.
But after my above response, he replied, "I agree, checks and balances are important, and what we have here is out of control.".
Needless to say, my money's green (or in this case...my plastic is...well...plastic). He rented me the storage unit and told me to have a great day.
My company rents another unit from these guys, and I've been working out of it for years. The stories I've heard on this guy is that he used to own his own business (general contractor)...ripped off a bunch of people...got in too deep...now he works for the owner of the storage facility. Sounds like a typical Repub...eh?
But if the slimiest wingers are starting to come around...what does that tell you?