The Post Editorial Page's Bizarre Disconnect and Immigration ReformA couple of things that are on my mind.
First, the Washington Post editorial many of you have been talking about.
It's an obvious point to say that this editorial is wrong because the President's leaking was selective. It is also an obvious point to say that the editorial is wrong because the appropriate processes of declassification were not followed. It is also an obvious point to say the editorial is wrong because the leak was done to smear Joe Wilson. Not to mention that the leak was false.
This is all obvious to me. Why? Because I read it in the Washington Post (here and here, for example).
links: odd is it that an editorial page's assertions are so in conflict with the facts as reported by the news staff at the same paper. In my view, it is very odd and very sad. Also a quick word about immigration. This is obviously an important and serious issue. The problem is that the Republican party has chosen not to treat it seriously and instead has attempted to play politics to appease the extreme right wing.
From where I sit, a comprehensive immigration policy that combines border security with earned legalization would be supported by a majority of Members of Congress. The extreme right wing has decided to smear such an approach as being "amnesty". Having once set about to appease the extreme right wing, Republicans are once again learning that fanatics will take nothing less than 110%.
We saw this during the Clinton impeachment. Once the Republicans began to appease the extremists, the extremists would not let them turn back, even when it became clear that Congressional Republicans continued on the same path at their political peril.
Here they go again.