In the beginning the idea was to send $17.76 to Feingold's Progressive Patriot's Fund which is his campaign war chest and supports other Progressive candidates. People have been sending in $17.76 or more and posting it or PMing me to let me know.
He has stood up for our civil rights, for the rule of law according to the constitution, and for marriage equality. He has stood alone in Congresss, but let's keep letting him know that we stand with him. /
As Feingold says: "As Democrats, we must prove that we won't back down from a fight. We must stand up and stand together, and with one voice demand accountability from a President who has broken the law. I'll never back down and I know you won't either."
Thanks to all who have contributed so far. I will keep the list open and create a way to give it to him by the end of this week.
I have 3 sponsored spots for people who would like to be on the list but can't afford to contribute right now. Just PM me if you want your name on the list.
1. Pachamama
2. wordpix2
3. Paulo_s News
4. midnight
5. liberalnurse
6. bbgrunt
7. joanski0
8. nuxvomica
9. dmordue
10. upi402
11. MadisonProgressive
12. davidwparker
13. BlueGirlRedState
14. FormerRushFan
15. bmcatt
16. me b zola
17. vpilot
18. Vadem
19. ralps
20. Pacifist Patriot
21. Sugarcoated
22. Jensen
23. w8liftinglady
24. ellenfl
25. ldf
26. Lucy
27. niyad
28. cal04
29. fooj
30. bttft
31. toandme
32. stephinrome
33. 0007
34. proud2Blib
35. July
36. flpoljunkie
37. Puglover
38. sinkingfeeling
39. madjohnshaft
40. Vincardog
41. orangepeel68
42. Vinca
43. FLDem5
44. wtmusic
45. ima_sinnic
46. MsUSA
47. robinlynne
48. pstans
49. Fridays Child
50. jean
51. understandinglife
52. Imalittleteapot
53. radio4progressives
54. MasonJar
55. IndyOp
56. abluelady
57. undeterred
58. Catchawave
59. KrazyKat
60. pennylane100
61. justgamma
62. chloesmom
63. blue4barb
64. Bigleaf
65. BlueCaliDem04
66. Doremus
67. sagesnow
68. trusty
69. Zinfandel
70. sasha031
71. Nite Owl
72. Bluebear
73. Bushfire
74. kiteinthewind
75. AuntiBush
76. Gregorian
77. slipslidingaway
78. liberalla
79. electron_blue
80. OmmmSweetOmmm
81. helderheid
82. Old Broad
83. peace13
84. kansasblue
85. sponsoree
86. sponsoree
87. sponsoree
88. Nickster
89. Maat
90. flpoljunkie
91. mohinoaklawnillinois
92. stepnw1f
93. countingbluecars
94. PassingFair
95. snacker
96. annabanana
97. benevolent dictator
98. Cookie wookie
:kick: :patriot: :applause: :woohoo: :kick: