The sculpture that replaced the statue of Saddam Hussein toppled three years ago is supposed to represent freedom. But many Iraqis say it has little meaning when fear, violence and uncertainty dominate their lives.
"It has no meaning because there is no freedom," said Mohammed Ahmed, who operates a currency exchange shop nearby.
The modernist structure, with branches reaching up toward the sky and a crescent moon shape balancing a ball, sits on top of a concrete cylinder that once held a larger-than-life replica of Saddam wearing a suit, his right arm stretched out.
The statue in Firdous Square became famous when viewers across the world watched as U.S. Marines hauled it down on April 9, 2003. Iraqis cheered and started jumping on top of it to celebrate the end of Saddam's regime., about a dozen Iraqis. What the hell is that thing, anyway?)