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Dallas had half a million marchers in a city of 1.2 million yesterday

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 09:23 AM
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Dallas had half a million marchers in a city of 1.2 million yesterday
Edited on Tue Apr-11-06 09:24 AM by NNN0LHI

Immigration marches put charge in Hispanic power

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Massive street marches to protest a proposed crackdown on illegal immigration have energized U.S. Hispanics and may signal a new day of Hispanic political involvement.

The demonstrations, which attracted both legal and illegal residents across the country, mean politicians may face residents across the country, mean politicians may face an angry Hispanic electorate in which Republicans would be the biggest losers, activists said on Monday. snip

Organizers at all the marches, with an eye to future elections, encouraged protesters who are citizens to register to vote. They urged illegal immigrants, who cannot vote, to push those who can to exercise their right.

"We will see this transfer into political power. If we cannot change their minds, we will change them (politicians)," said Elias Bermudez, head of advocacy group Immigrants Without Borders, at a march in Phoenix, Arizona.

There are 40 million Hispanics in the United States, although due to age and legal status, just 13 million are eligible to vote. snip

But they are concentrated in key states such as California, Texas and Florida and, by 2020, the number of Hispanic voters nationally is expected to top 20 million.
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Ready4Change Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 09:40 AM
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1. Numbers vastly under reported here.
Local news stated "at least 50,000." This was stated by the "newscaster" even while they showed aerial video footage that proved the numbers clearly dwarfed 50,000.
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nylab123 Donating Member (18 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 09:48 AM
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2. I dont mean to offend anyone, but
why is there any reason to protest enforcement of laws?? If there is a problem, do what you can to have the law changed. Wouldn't it be funny if I were in Mexico, protesting my "rights" and I wasn't even a Mexican citizen?? Maybe I am wrong, but don't the rights provided in our country apply to just people who are citizens of our nation? If you want rights, get your citizenship the legit way. The protests and marches that they are doing now would never be tolerated in their own country. I believe this is a very dangerous demographic time-bomb of our country. They have no interest in assimilating to our country/culture, and TRULY becoming Americans. Talk to any of them, and they will tell you that they are here only to take advantage of our economic opportunities. We already have problems with welfare and medical care programs. With illegals multiplying, the problems will only get worse.

As for the politicians, the Republicans are looking for cheap labor, and the Democrats are looking for votes from the hispanic community.

The Mexican gov't treats it's immigrants much more harsh than how they want their people treated over here. We allow people to come over here at their own will. Their side has armed soldiers at the border. Try to go over there illegally, and see if you are tolerated as they are over here.

Do you all think that this may be turned into a separatist movement? Mexico attempting to reconquer Texas, California, etc.???

I have no problem with immigration and globalization, just do it legally! And if you haven't, don't go out in the streets because what you have to say is irrelevant.
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derby378 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 09:54 AM
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3. I saw some of the protesters maching towards downtown on Sunday
I volunteered to help some friends out with an antique home tour and exhibition, and as my wife and I were headed for East Dallas, we saw all these Mexicans in white shirts and blue jeans marching on foot towards downtown. Wow.
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