We're letting Republicans shift the focus on everything but where it belongs.
People are marching by the umpteen thousands on immigration in more than just a few scattered cities, but where are the hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS marching to protest the worst American EVER, George W Bush? Where are we Democrats and liberals marching in the hundreds of thousands this weekend and in how many cities?
It boggles my mind that there aren't literally HORDES of American people marching against Bush in 100 cities on any given weekend in this country, yet immigrant workers can mobilize in the hundreds of thousands all across this country at the drop of a hat. If half the friggin country is composed of Democrats or Bush dissenters of any sort, you'd think that AT LEAST a fraction of them would be willing get out and protest in kind.
Gasoline prices are once again being artificially raised to obscene levels so they can be conveniently dropped just in time for the November elections, but why are we still driving the same amount of miles on our cars? Why do we bitch about prices in private but still drive the same amount of miles as we always do? Wouldn't it make sense to protest the record-breaking gouging profits of the oil companies by protesting in the streets about the Bush administration's ties to big oil?
Yet we don't march, we drive instead.
Oh, and it's amazing how all of a sudden they're playing these tragic 9-11 recordings of people who were trapped in the Towers. It's disgusting how they're using those poor people's deaths to stir up pro-war sentiment. They waited all this time, but funny how the recordings get released at this particular time. Gets everyone worked up all over again about the war...just in time to sympathize with the Republican war mongers to get them elected again in November. Why are we letting them get away with what's so fucking obvious a political ploy?
Yet we still don't march.
Yup, immigrant workers can get organized in a split second and march in cities all across the country on behalf of immigration laws, yet we can't get motivated enough to rally against the most evil forces ever facing Planet Earth.
If the immigrant workers can mobilize hundreds of thousands to march in so many cities on a particular weekend, we should be able to march in the MILLIONS across this land in hundreds of cities ON ANY GIVEN WEEKEND. Where is OUR passion? We bitch, moan, cry, whine, and curse George Bush, yet for some funny reason we're content to do it from behind our computers or in the private company of like-minded friends as we whisper our discontent in hallways, in our cars, in our living rooms, and on our computers. Then you get those people who have the fucking nerve to say that the media simply doesn't cover protest marches put on against Bush. What a cop-out. If one tenth of the people who despise Bush ever got up out of their chairs to do some actually IN-YOUR-FACE-CARRYING-SIGNS protesting in the form of peaceful protest marches in major cities, the media would be all over it like flies on shit.
Ranting among ourselves is great, blogs are nice, and discussing the way things should be is fine and dandy, but if we could ever get organized enough to march like the immigrant workers do, this lousy administration would be history, and the dignity that Bush has taken away from our nation would soon be restored in better times ahead.
Once every weekend all good Democrats across this nation need to forget about Kerry, Hillary, Feingold, Nader, Kennedy, Boxer, Lieberman, mowing the lawn, the family picnic, or whatever else for a few minutes....and transform our mental energy into physically marching against the corrupt Coward-in-Chief in the streets.
We need to show the country where the focus belongs. If we leave it soley up to our politicians, we'll surely end up in hell for another 6 years. Protest marches, hundreds of them, need to happen ASAP on a regular basis, or we'll be royally fucked again. That's the blatant truth.