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My email to Margaret Carlson, about the complicity of the MSM

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
tblue37 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:04 AM
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My email to Margaret Carlson, about the complicity of the MSM
Edited on Tue Apr-11-06 10:47 AM by tblue37
I read the Margaret Carlson essay on the site:

She takes Bush to task for the leak and some other things. It is actually a good essay. But as I read it I got angrier and angrier, because she and others like her were so much a part of the process that trashed Gore in 2000. She openly admitted that although Bush was clearly lying and Gore didn't deserve the trashing, it was so easy and so much more "fun" to write nasty stories about Gore that she and her colleagues in the MSM just couldn't resist.
Do you ever feel just a twinge of guilt over the way you and your peers had such fun trashing Gore? You even admitted on air that "fun" was the reason for doing it, even though you knew that Bush was lying and Gore was not. Now we are facing the possibility of nuclear strikes against Iran. Many, many thousands of innocent Iraqis have died, and Iraqi civilians live in terror of both their own homegrown terrorists and American troops. Fallujah is rubble. America has become the country that gleefully tortures prisoners, even ones known to be innocent victims sold by warlords for US bounties. American troops are getting killed or horrifically wounded in Iraq, and even in Afghanistan violence is increasing, our puppet and troops hold only Kabul, and the Taliban is resurgent. Thousands of American troops who do survive will come home with PTSD so horrific they will probably never heal.

And American democracy is a sad memory.

Oh, and don't forget that as a consequence the complicity of the MSM the Supreme Court has been packed with reactionary, corporofascist men who will probably roll back many of the gains in civil liberties and protection for the weak, the vulnerable, and the disadvantaged that we have fought so hard for. Lovely: a Supreme Court packed with Scalia clones.

Why don't you and your peers get together and express a huge mea culpa? You know, like the "We're sorry" website where so many decent Americans expressed their shame and regret over our country's behavior as a rogue state.

If enough of you in the MSM were to admit to your own complicity in the unreasonable and unfair trashing of Gore, maybe people would sit up and take notice.

Call Mo Dowd and Cece Connelly. Maybe you girls can have a party and draft an apology together. If the women take the high road, maybe the guys will follow--Bob Woodward, Joe Klein, Chris Matthews, the whole rotten crew.

By the way, don't call Eleanor Clift. She hasn't been perfect, but at least she didn't join in the snarky fun of trashing Gore just because it was a cool game.

Yes, I am angry. Very, very angry. And to think, one upon a time I actually used to look forward to reading your columns.

Stupid, stupid me.
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TexasLawyer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:39 AM
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1. oooh, that was good
thanks. I can think of a lot of journalists who should get similar letters.
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tblue37 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 10:41 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Maybe we should start a campaign to make sure that they do.
Anyone who wants to use my email as a general template rather than completely writing one from scratch by themselves is welcome to do so.
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