If the marches show just the tip of the iceberg, there are a large number of immigrants especially mexican in this country in the last 5 to 10 years. And these few represent, I am sure, the larger number of illegals.
Interesting if they were all made citizens - wonder which way they would vote -
There ancestors probably roamed this country years ago before we put up borders and boundaries. Maybe they were summering in central america.
Just interesting how christopher columbus and other nations decided who could and could not live here - they murdered lots of indians and called them savages - now we are in another country and call them insurgents - here we call them illegal -
just fascinating seeing the HUGE numbers coming out for this demonstration - wish we could have that many against the war and this corrupt government -
It would be nice if all the boundaries and barriers came down - not just the berlin wall - all walls - be nice if we could all play together and share as taught in kindergarden - too bad it becomes winner takes all as they grow into bigger boys - their toys become more dangerous too -
It is quite a show of strength of numbers with all the demonstrations and shows how they are spread across the nation - not just at the borders