WHEEEE!! Gas up to $2.86 in Louisville. Up $1/gal in LESS THAN 2 Months.
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Tue Apr-11-06 02:51 PM
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WHEEEE!! Gas up to $2.86 in Louisville. Up $1/gal in LESS THAN 2 Months. |
Systematic Chaos
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Tue Apr-11-06 02:53 PM
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1. That's it! Do your pastryrotic duty, citizen!! |
You wouldn't want those poor oil execs to, like, STARVE - would you?
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Tue Apr-11-06 02:59 PM
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3. Leave No War-Profiteer Behind |
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Tue Apr-11-06 02:55 PM
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gas here in the DC area (Northern Virginia) has gone up $.50 a gallon.
I hate these fuckers so bad ............
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Tue Apr-11-06 02:59 PM
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this afternoon told me to fill up my tank - gas is going to keep going up in little increments. oil companies are "innoculating" us slowly to accept $3+ per gallon by July
not expected to drop much later on, and then another big spike in the fall
station owner said he wouldn't be surprised by $4 and $5/gallon in the winter and if that happens - he's dumping the gas service at his station and just going to try to go by with car repairs because he won't be making much on the gas to be worth the trouble
Be sure to thank your neighborhood bush voter for this -- and if they are complaining about gas prices - smile and tell them to stop whining - they voted the idiot in (probably twice)
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Tue Apr-11-06 03:25 PM
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This problem is a tad bigger than Bush.
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Tue Apr-11-06 04:32 PM
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geology said "you're welcome - now get rid of bush"
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Tue Apr-11-06 03:16 PM
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5. Yikes, still "cheap here" in St. Louis at only $2.69/gal. |
I dread the coming summer though. You guys ready for $5-$6/gal.?:scared:
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Tue Apr-11-06 03:22 PM
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6. Compact cars flying off lots. |
Dealers here in the Lake Effect Zone can't keep 'em in stock. The local Honda dealer had lots of Civics, all with SOLD signs on 'em at $19,700 apiece. 30/40 MPG and really awesome new styling.
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Tue Apr-11-06 03:23 PM
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7. "I love the smell of Peak Oil in the morning!" |
It's the Apocalypse, Baby, and it's happening NOW.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:13 AM
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