Do you think that there is any end to our military involvement the Middle East in sight? Not as long as the PNAC group has their hand picked people in Washington. Start at "Step 1", keep waving those flags, and keep arguing about wedge issues.
Step 1)
Bush shamelessly uses 9-11 as an excuse to stage our troops in Afghanistan, and
secure a pipeline deal through the country. After his families profiteering goals are met, he immediately forgets about Osama Bin Laden, and sets his sights on invading Iraq. The name “Osama”
disappears from the White House vocabulary, and gets replaced with “Saddam”

Step 2)
Helped by the “liberal media” Bush
begins a series of scare tactics, such as mentioning “Saddam” “and “AL-Qaeda” in the same sentence, “yellow cake uranium”, and “smoking guns in the form of mushroom clouds.” The
CIA reports that the assertions are dubious at best, and that the President already knows this. The American people, once again, choose to ignore this, and run over to be protected from the scary brown people, by this corrupt administration.
Well, everyone except for myself, and rest of the “anti-American peacenik commie pinko’s.” We tried, lord help us, we tried...

Step 3)
The media circle jerk and Bush backslapping starts, as the U.S. ignores the protests of the entire world, and fakes intelligence to justify invasion, and marches into Baghdad. Rove then starts a massive propaganda campaign, that consists of scripted “victory rallies,” where massive amounts of Iraqi people are bussed in, for photo-op purposes, and to prove how many “roses at our feet” the Iraqi people are throwing at us. One example of the “liberal media” that never reports the good things happening in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Bush shows the Iraqi people part of his personality that makes jokes, smirks, and giggles while signing execution orders. Oh, I'm sorry, he didn't know any of this was actually happenning did he? I forgot.

Step 4)
Bush declares “mission accomplished” while flying on board an aircraft carrier, not anywhere in or near the Persian Gulf mind you, but comfortably off of the coast of San Diego. Damn liberal media, they never report the good stuff:

Meanwhile, here are the people that obviously didn't get that darn memo, that the war is over. Just a little mopping up work, nothing to see here:

Step 5)
The circle jerk continues, as the “liberal media” still floods the American people with propaganda on how well the war is going. This time, we get subjected to weeks of crowing and backslapping as they capture Hussein, and kill his sons.

Meanwhile, I start to weep daily for the innocents caught in this illegal war.

Yoo-Hoo, over here! remember me?

Step 6)
Now the Iraqi election. Bush is once again fellated by the “liberal media” as the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington all rolled into one, despite his polls dipping into the 30’s (what the hell do we know anyway?). Yes, the Iraqi people are going to be self governed, despite the
14 permanent military bases that will assure our permanent occupation there.
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Meanwhile,here's a little group that didn't get the message that they are going to be represented by the new government now. After all, it's not a puppet government installed by an imperialistic occupying power or anything you know.

Iraq degrades into sectarian violence and civil war, while the White House, once again denies that it is actually a “civil war”

Go back to step 1, replacing the word “Iraq” with “Iran.” and the vicious circle continues.
Yo! OVER HERE!! Damn… I feel as if I have “Bin Forgotten”. Although I’m sure that this guy is real sad that we have waded into a permanent war with the entire Islamic world. I don’t think he could have designed it any better in his best wet dream…