I was watching this- took a while because it's apparently very popular at the moment. It could have easily been staged. The only thing which could not easily be faked are the explosions, unless this was filmed in a rural locale, like Alabama, where relaxed firearms laws have produced many ranges where persons may fire cannon, automatic weapons, what-have-you.
Also, this is the worst job of soldiering I have ever seen. These people are falling apart and arguing with each other, battling to hide under the same piece of furniture. The camera does not move off of a single opening which is so brightly-lit as to be glaringly white.
As anyone who has read my posts knows: I detest the Bush administration and the shitty war which he has led us into. However, I'd hope they're equally familiar, at least, with the propaganda campaign to discredit the left.
If more of this video surfaces to provide an analytical context, I'm all for it. If anything surfaces to lend more credibility to its content, well great. However, there is very very little to go on except the extremely frightened voices of men who each audibly appear to be having a serious breakdown during combat. A serious breakdown.
While it certainly could have happened, it could as easily be another plant.
I fought the site for about 20 minutes before watching this- I've used YouTube before and have never had this problem. When it finally came down, I started making faces as I watched it- there just isn't enough "real" material here to make an informed decision either way.