this revelation is strange and actually worse for Libby's case. Why?
(1) If Libby merely told Miller some of the "key judgements" in support of the Bush administration's claims, then he would have only been revealing what was already in the unclassified White Paper. After all, the unclassified White Paper was nothing but the Key Judgements of the classified NIE with all the IC caveats and challenges deleted - deliberately. Which means that if Libby was not actually declassifying the Key Judgements of the classified NIE (or leaking the entire contents of the unclassified Key Judgements of the NIE), then the portions highlighted in bold (below) in the classified NIE key judgements are the key pieces of information that would have remained hidden from reporters in the context of any discussion on Saddam's alleged nuclear capabilities:
(too long to post)
So, if Libby, Cheney and Bush were leaking or declassifying the entirety of the NIE Key Judgements, then the truth about the major challenges to Bush's SOTU claim on nuclear reconstitution would have been revealed. If they were not declassifying or leaking the entirety of the NIE Key Judgements, then that would be proof that they were trying to hide all the information that showed the Bush administration in poor light.
2) The Key Judgements did not have the uranium claim anyway - so if Libby was out there to discuss the uranium claim with Miller - why would he be reinforcing some of the key judgements when those did not mention the uranium claim? Perhaps, he was trying to change the topic to talk about the "other" evidence for "nuclear constitution"...but in this case, just using the key judgements of his liking without revealing the State/INR dissent that was very much embedded inside the classified key judgements would have been a deliberate attempt to continue to mislead the public and the press.
3) Further, if Libby was peddling the uranium claim from the body of the NIE without mentioning that INR rebutted that claim in another portion of the NIE, then that would have also been an attempt to mislead.
At this point, we should ask the White House to clearly state what it was that Libby was asked to leak. This new revelation by Fitzgerald doesn't help Libby or the White House.