Now we just need to get the American people to understand, and accept, that the country is being ruined by a madman. I don't know if it's just old-fashioned naivete on the part of people, or if we have become a country so smug, so self-righteous, that we are willing to condemn others to lives of desperation, as long as our own comforts are not threatened.
I have known people, decent, good-hearted people, who are willing to take others at their word, and fell into the trap of thinking of Bush as a good man because he said he was a devout Christian. I have known others who follow him because they are also bigots, and enjoy the present freedom of being allowed to voice their spitefulness toward other races, gays, and abortion.
Whatever the reason, I can only hope that people wake up from their stupor, and realize that this country is in danger of starting WWIII, and completely collapsing economically, unless this incompetent sociopath is censured, impeached, and removed from office. The cleaning up of America will include every member of his administration. After that, I'd like to see Scalia impeached, because he's as nutty as Bush.